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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


GALVIS PALACIOS, Luisa Fernanda; LOPEZ-DIAZ, Lucero  and  VELASQUEZ G, Vilma Florisa. Cultural patterns of family care for the elderly in conditions of disability and poverty. Index Enferm [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.3, pp.170-174.  Epub Nov 04, 2019. ISSN 1699-5988.


to describe the patterns of family care with the elderly in the condition of disability and poverty of three culturally diverse groups in Colombia.


qualitative study of secondary data analysis based on 35 collected documents from 2017 to 2016. The material was organized in the N-Vivo program. The analysis followed the four phases proposed by Leininger.

Main results:

the cultural pattern “Caring between suffering, generosity and gratitude” shows the intense suffering of the caregiver by “seeing it like this” in the situation of the older adult by the three Colombian groups, the emotional tension for the caregiver and the belief system that mobilizes the caregiver to provide care, constant emotional tension to avoid complications in an environment of meager resources, as well as the gratitude of the elderly.

Main conclusion:

the family pattern of the three groups in Colombia is determined by the meaning attributed to the situation of the elderly and the values, expectations and feelings of obligation and reciprocity that move to give and receive care. However, the context of social unprotectedness must be considered in the attention to this type of population.

Keywords : Culture; Chronic disease; Aged; Caregivers.

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