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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


FERNANDEZ ARROJO, José  and  CASADO VERDEJO, Inés. Facilitating conscientization: alternative to the traditional concept of motivation in the field of health. Index Enferm [online]. 2020, vol.29, n.3, pp.132-136.  Epub Jan 25, 2021. ISSN 1699-5988.

Over the past few decades, the world has been exposed to a number of threats from emerging viral outbreaks of different kinds. In the face of the new COVID-19 pandemic, attitudes, beliefs, expectations, or representations of the disease/health problem, play a determining role. Alphabetize in health is to raise consciousness, to learn to think, to show patients their problematic experience, to inculcate a critical conscience to make them capable of perceiving what is bad, and to discover the means to be used for its improvement. Applying Paulo Freire's process of conscientization, it is possible to pass from a passive conscience to an active critical conscience (conscientization), through an active method of alphabetization and conscientization in health, dialogue and critique, with appropriate proposals and contents for each case.

Keywords : Coronavirus; COVID-19; Health education; Facilitating conscientizacion.

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