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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


ANGULO-RAMOS, Marisol; MERINO-SOTO, César  and  RAMON-ROJAS, Jocelyn. Stress coping in Covid-19 and nursers: psychometric adaptation of a short measure. Index Enferm [online]. 2023, vol.32, n.3, e14059.  Epub Mar 04, 2024. ISSN 1699-5988.


Contribute with the first adaptation study of the Coping Strategies Indicator - Short (CSI-S) to measure coping strategies for stress, in nurses who handle Covid-19 cases.


There were 79 nurses directly or indirectly involved in handling these cases. The CSI-S response instructions were modified to target the work of nurses in the care of cases with Covid-19.


Two of its dimensions (Problem Solving and Seeking Social Support) were found to be solid with adequate reliability. On the other hand, its Avoidance dimension was structurally weak with low reliability. The correlation between these strategies was low, indicating conceptual independence. Additionally, the relationship with measures of symptoms of anxiety and depression was theoretically convergent.


Except Evitation score, the CSI-S scores may be appropriate for the description of groups, and for a first appraisal to the state of coping with stress.

Keywords : Stress coping; Stress; Anxiety; Depression; Validity; Covid-19.

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