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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


CASTILLA-MORENO, M.  and  CASTILLA-GARCIA, M.. Pediatric sedoanalgesia outside the operating theatre. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2004, vol.11, n.8, pp.63-68. ISSN 1134-8046.

Objective: To review the sedations that are performed in pediatric care outside the surgical area. This is always a challenge for the anesthesiologist, but particularly when the patients are children. We believe that the keys are: a protocol that establishes the drugs to be used and their routes of administration, monitoring, appointment of a nurse for the support of the anesthesiologist and, of course, a very good selection of the procedures. In fact, despite the many studies that have been published about sedation, many of these fail because the indications are not appropriate or because the person that performs them is not an anesthesiologist. Our working method has been the following: -We carried out a literature search of a basic drug: propofol. -In order to establish the procedures that have to be conducted under sedation in children, we contacted several hospitals with a recognized prestige in Pediatric Anesthesia with a list of procedures. The hospitals consulted were: Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of Pediatric Anesthesia of the Varsaw University, Children's Hospital of Colonia (Alemania ) and Sick Great Ormond Street of London. All of them agreed on the need of sedation for the following procedures: bath of burned children, radiotherapy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), computerized axial tomography (CAT), positron emission tomography (PET). The echocardiography in small children is mostly performed with chloral hidrate, either orally (85%) or rectally administered. Material and method: We reviewed recently published literature with Internet search tools, in most cases using the propofol word and crossing-over the key words: propofol and children, propofol and infants y propofol and neonates. Conclusions: Sedation procedures in children require, such as any other type of anesthesia, the following: 1. Informed consent. 2. Fasting, depending on age. 3. Availability of a venous access. 4. Appropriate monitoring depending on the procedure.

Keywords : Sedation; Outside operating theatre; Pediatrics.

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