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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


GOMEZ-VEGA, C. et al. Oxycodone for the treatment of chronic noncancer pain. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2007, vol.14, n.2, pp.125-132. ISSN 1134-8046.

Chronic pain is suffered by over 4 and a half million persons in Spain, and over half of these persons suffer intense pain. According to the European Pain Questionnaire, rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis are the principal cause of this type of pain. It is important to choose a suitable analgesic drug for moderate-severe pain control, thus increasing the quality of life of these patients who are increasingly long living. Oxycodone offers a new therapeutic option. It is classified by the WHO as a drug to be used as a step two drug when combined with a NSAID (widely used in the US since 1950), since it has a ceiling effect (1), and as a step three drug when used alone, in both controlled-release and immediate-release formulations alike. (2) Oxycodone has been used since 1917 and has been given to humans in intravenous, intramuscular, intranasal, subcutaneous, rectal, epidural and oral routes. Transdermal administration has been tested in animals.

Keywords : Oxicodone; chronic pain no oncologycal.

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