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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


GONZALEZ-RENDON, C.  and  MORENO-MONSIVAIS, M. Guadalupe. Chronic pain management and limitation in the activities of the daily life. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2007, vol.14, n.6, pp.422-427. ISSN 1134-8046.

Objectives: 1) Determine the pain management in patients with chronic pain, 2) Identify the activities of daily life that are limited because of intensity of pain, 3) Determine the association between pain management and limitation in the activities of daily life and, 4) Determine the difference between intensity of pain and limitations in the activities of daily life regarding to sex. Results: The results showed a high proportion of patients with presence of pain in the moment of interview (90.7%), with an intensity of modérate to severe in 60.9%. 70% of the participants presented an inadequate pain management. The activities of daily life that presented of modérate to severe limitation because of pain were: housework with 67.6%, walking 62.92%, driving or utilizing any transport type 54.3% and sleep with 51%. It was obtained an negative association between pain management and limitation of activities (rs=.495, p =.001); therefore, what to minor punctuation in the pain management index, major limitation of activities of daily life. Did not find differences between intensity of pain and limitation of activities of daily life regarding to sex. Material and methods: The study design was correlational descriptive, the sample was integrated by 151 patients majors of 18 years of age with presence of chronic pain of more than three months of evolution. Study was realized in a public institution of metropolitan área of Monterrey Nuevo León, México. To determine the pain management was utilized the Pain Management índex and the WHO Analgesic Ladder Plan. Conclusions: The study allowed to identify that exist a high percentage of patients with inadequate pain management, it affects in a major limitation in the realization of daily activities.

Keywords : Pain Management; limitation of activities.

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