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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


CALLE, J.L. de la  and  PANEL DE EXPERTOS DE LA SOCIEDAD MADRILENA DEL DOLOR et al. Quality care standards and procedures catalogue in chronic pain units. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2010, vol.17, n.2, pp.114-133. ISSN 1134-8046.

Objectives: To develop quality care standards and a procedures catalogue for Chronic Pain Units. Material and methods: A scientific committee consisting of 6 experts in the treatment of chronic pain selected, after a literature review, a group of 130 quality care criteria and 80 procedures. Later, following Delphi methodology, a panel made up of the scientific committee itself and 12 other experts introduced 4 additional criteria and 5 more procedures, and evaluated their level of agreement on each of the 134 criteria and the priority level of the 85 procedures selected. Results: A high level of consensus agreement was obtained on the majority of the care standards proposed. In particular, there was consensus on 31 general standards for installations and equipment, 15 on human resources and 13 on procedures. A total of 40 standards have been developed for outpatient clinics, which include structural, organisational and time parameters, such as the number of clinics required for every 100,000 inhabitants (1.5 clinics), the maximum number of daily clinic hours that a physician has to attend (5 h), the maximum number of clinic days per week per physician (3 days), the time required to complete a first visit (50 min) and successive ones (20 min), and the maximum time that a patient must remain on a waiting list depending on their underlying illness, among others. Another 18 standards have been developed for hospitalisation and day hospital, which include standards such as the number of rehabilitation beds and chairs (1 bed and 1 chair), the maximum number of hospitalised patients that a specialist in pain treatment could be responsible for (4 if the Pain Unit is responsible for the admission, and 7 if other departments are responsible, 8 if they are hospital day unit patients), the time required for the first visit to a hospitalised patient (60 minutes if admitted by the Pain Unit and 45 if other departments are responsible for the admission). The study also included 8 standards on scientific activity and teaching. Finally, the priority of the 85 procedures was evaluated (18 for the day hospital, 24 for wards and 43 for operating room) so that they formed part of a services menu for the Pain Units, as well as establishing 76 time standards for these. Conclusions: Quality standards and an updated procedures catalogue have been developed appropriate for chronic pain units, which should be useful for updating the structure and organisation of already existing units, as well as for the planning and development of future units. We hope that this work will contribute to the improvement in the quality of health care for patients with chronic pain.

Keywords : Standards; Procedures; Quality health care; Chronic Pain Unit.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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