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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


LLADO SALAMANCA, S.; RUBINO DIAZ, J. A.; PEREZ GALMES, C. A.  and  SOCIAS MOYA, M.. Study and promotion of good practices to improve the approach to pain in Emergency Department. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2016, vol.23, n.6, pp.275-279. ISSN 1134-8046.

Objective: To study whether health professionals (doctors and nurses) assess and record the pain and make appropriate use of analgesia and moreover in the emergency department. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 306 patients with acute and chronic pain worsened and 302 patients with traumatic and non-traumatic pain. A recording sheet which reflected different aspects of patients in relation to pain presenting, assessment and reassessment of the same, use of analgesia and location in the area of ??the Emergency Department was used. A posteriori data collection, activities to promote good pain assessment and use of analgesia were carried out by the medical staff. They held a meeting on issues related to pain assessment and appropriate use of analgesia. Also, cards, postcards and posters containing Visual Analog Scale (EVA) and the scale of analgesia of the World Health Organization (OMS). Results and discussion: Acute pain was more evaluated in triage, in patient history and more reevaluated than chronic pain. Moreover, the non-traumatic pain is assessed less in triage, but not so in the evaluation of the patient's history and reassessment in relation to traumatic pain. The pattern of analgesia was seen in all types of pain, although at a higher rate in acute and non-traumatic pain. Furthermore, with regard to activities to promote pain assessment in the emergency room, a large group of professionals attended the session and all health professionals were given a card, the ballots were placed in the workshops and posters were placed in each module of the Emergency Department. Conclusion: It can be concluded that health professionals valued and recorded pain infrequently in the Emergency Department and the use of analgesia for patients with different types of pain could improve considerably. Besides the register number of the comments about the patients was appreciable to verify that with the results obtained it gave us important information to carry out activities that would make the professionals aware, take part and adopt a change in their attitude in relation to the objectives of this work.

Keywords : Pain; professional; evaluation; analgesia; emergency.

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