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vol.17 número2El sida y las personas mayoresConocimiento y uso de las directrices de prevención y tratamiento de las úlceras por presión en un hospital de agudos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1134-928X


VERDU SORIANO, José et al. The ATHAC Survey 04-05: Observational study regarding the use of neuter dressings or dressings impregnated in an antibacterian agent using an innovative patented technology: the lipid colloid technology for the treatment of acute and/or chronic wounds. Gerokomos [online]. 2006, vol.17, n.2, pp.42-50. ISSN 1134-928X.

Introduction: The ATHAC survey collected data on acute or chronic wounds that were candidates for a treatment with grassy dressings like URGOTUL. Aims: To describe the wound’s characteristics, to describe treatments applied to these wounds and to Explore Nurses’ and patients’ opinion about the treatments in terms of applicability, adaptability and patient comfort. Methods: 1,500 patients were included in the study according to wound types and treatments. Data were collected with nurses and patient questionnaires. Nurses collected data the first day of inclusion and patients respond one month after or when wounds healed. Variables collected by nurses were: demographic, aetiology, characteristics and location of the wound, aspects and opinions of the treatment. Patients were asked about duration of treatments, wound state from their point of view and opinions about pain, satisfaction and acceptability. Univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis were conducted. For each patient was selected the biggest wound for data collection. Results: Finally, 1432 patients with one or more lesions were studied (420 had more than one). 60,4% were women and the mean age was 66. Chronic wounds, mainly, were venous leg ulcer (47%) and pressure ulcers (23%). In acute wounds, were traumatic (41%) and burns (32,5%). The main location was inferior extremities (57,4% in chronic and 39% in acute). 49% of cases reported moderate to high spontaneous pain previous to this study. At the end, only 20-30% reported pain (during the study, in more than 80% the dressing used was Urgotul). 72% of acute wounds and 35% of chronic wounds, as referred by patients, were healed when finished the study (between 20-40 days of treatment). Conclusion: Urgotul is a good option for atraumatic treatment of this type of lesions, mainly for acute wounds, since more of them had healed in an acceptable time with a good patient satisfaction.

Palabras clave : Grassy dressing; acute wounds; chronic wounds.

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