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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


LOPEZ-CASANOVA, Pablo; RODRIGUEZ-PALMA, Manuel  and  HERRERO-DIAZ, María Asunción. Social profile of the family caregiver of dependant patients in the University General Hospital of Elche. Gerokomos [online]. 2009, vol.20, n.4, pp.167-171. ISSN 1134-928X.

The aim of this study is to describe the social profile of the family caregivers in the University General Hospital of Elche, and to know the sort of needs that they cater for. Methodology: This is a descriptive and transversal piece of research, performed by means of 32 surveys done between January and February 2008 in the Internal Medicine service. A descriptive analysis was carried out; such analysis bore in mind the following variables: the caregivers´ age, sex, income, dwelling, employment, their kinship with the patient and the lenght of stay at the hospital. Results: The profile of the average informal caregiver corresponds to a woman of approximately 54 years old who stays all day in the hospital. Caregivers consider that the most important needs they meet are related to keeping their relative company, watching over them, and meeting their basic needs. Conclusions: With respect to the profile of family caregivers, spouses and mothers account for most caregivers. The tasks carried out by caregivers imply spending their time and money, and also physical, pysichological and social exhaustion. Part of the patients' needs are covered by informal caregivers, who receive little information and advising from the nursing staff about how to provide care for their disabled relatives. Therefore, nurses doing a closer monitoring of patients and caregivers and paying more attention to them is a requirement and a demand of our society.

Keywords : Family caregiver; hospital; social profile; dependence; disability.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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