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Print version ISSN 1134-928X
RUIZ MARQUEZ, Trinidad; GRANADOS GAMEZ, Genoveva; GUTIERREZ IZQUIERDO, M.ª Isabel and MUNOZ PARIS, M.ª José. Seminar integrated as a supplementary method in the subject of geriatric nursing. Gerokomos [online]. 2011, vol.22, n.3, pp.104-108. ISSN 1134-928X.
The learning method know as "Integrated Seminar", was incorporated as a complementary method in the 3rd year Nursing students' training at the University of Almería, during the development of a research conducted in the degree. It aim was to adapt new degree curricula within the European Higher Education Area framework. This method is based on Problem Based Learning (PBL), and it is part of the subjects of Geriatrics Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Community Nursing and Medical-Surgical Nursing, as a seminar that complements the received training. Within the subject of Geriatrics Nursing, it allows students to integrate third-year knowledge (belonging to different subjects) to an old man, avoiding a repetition when achieving cross-cutting skills, and at the same time, it teachs students the importance of integrating a curriculum knowledge that is necessary for nursing care of the elderly. The aim in this article is to describe the seminar as a complementary method which is integrated in the Geriatrics Nursing subject, and to analyse the opinion and views of the students which took part on it. The results show a high satisfaction with this methodology, and highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of using it.
Keywords : Teaching methodologies; Problem Based Learning; Integrated Seminar; Geriatric Nursing.