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Print version ISSN 1134-928X
PENA AMARO, Pilar et al. Renal health education older people from a center primary care. Gerokomos [online]. 2011, vol.22, n.3, pp.109-114. ISSN 1134-928X.
We make a program of education for the health focused on the primary and secondary prevention of the renal disease in major persons from a center of primary care. We put a poster in the waiting room of the center with the contents we want to affect (habits of healthy life reindeer). When the patient enters to consultation we will evaluate the knowledge on that tape-worm and those he has acquired and we ask him/her if there are questions or doubts. The major persons associate the ingestion of salt and some food (seafood) with kidney problems and as a protection factor the water ingestion. We believe that in the elders and furthermore in the populations of risk (hypertense and diabetic) there should be a major information about the conducts or healthy habits reindeer.
Keywords : Education for the health; kidney; major persons; habits healthy reindeer.