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versión impresa ISSN 1134-928X


VILLAR ROJAS, Antonio Erasto  y  VILLAR HERNANDEZ, Álvaro Rafael. "Telecare Unit": new technologies in nursing care. Resolution of a pressure ulcer of a patient who lives in another province. Gerokomos [online]. 2014, vol.25, n.3, pp.131-134. ISSN 1134-928X.

The patient set out below is 18 years old, resident in a different province, and to whom caregiver parents, after two years searching, managed to contact the Hospital Virgen Macarena Telecare Unit in Seville. The patient shows ischial pressure ulcers treated by the dad, who gave up any hope in the first visit to the Unit. A basic non-negotiable need for the patient was to attend to his college classes and exams. Wound cures have been performed and sanitary education has been given to the caregiver mom, as well as preventive measures related to the seating position, etc. Original pressure ulcer posture problems have been also dealt with the acquisition of a therapeutic stabilizing cushion by the caregiver parents. According to this case we prove that with the Telecare Units, we can remotely tackle patients' health and needs by using the telecommunication means within our reach in order to provide comprehensive patients and carers-oriented assistance.

Palabras clave : Telecare; UPP; spina bifida; health education; stabilizer pillow.

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