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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


MUNOZ CRUZ, Rafael. Stereotypes to seniors by the youth of the municipality of Los Villares (Jaén). Gerokomos [online]. 2015, vol.26, n.1, pp.13-17. ISSN 1134-928X.

Objective: to study the stereotypes that young people of a particular locality of Jaén have toward the elderly over 65 years. Method: a cross-sectional descriptive study on a sample of 100 young people between 18 and 25 years, with half men and half women. The information was collected through a self-administered questionnaire that included 30 adjectives referring to the elderly and young people should respond depending on the degree of agreement or disagreement with each of the features, using a Likert scale with 5 options for each item. Results: the features that are more in keeping young people about the elderly are that these are characterized by being generous, grateful, with morality, wise and sincere people, while according to the young, the characteristic that defines less elderly is conflict. Conclusions: although young people have not shown negative stereotypes toward the elderly, should promote awareness of the true characteristics of this age group, some of which are unknown to younger adults.

Keywords : Stereotypes; old; old age; social perception.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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