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vol.26 issue3Surface swab versus fine needle aspiration to diagnose chronic wound infection: dissenting results?The impact of chronic wounds in functional rehabilitation units author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


FOLGUERA ALVAREZ, María del Carmen  and  VERDU SORIANO, José. Adherence to compression therapy in patients with venous ulcers. Gerokomos [online]. 2015, vol.26, n.3, pp.104-108. ISSN 1134-928X.

Objective: To analyze the literature published in relation to the factors that influence adherence to compression therapy in people with venous ulcers. Method: We carried out a literature review, PubMed, BioMed Central, Cochrane Library Plus, CUIDEN, LILACS, IBECS, IME, SciELO, CINAHL, from January 2003 to May 2013. Results: There were sixteen documents that meet the inclusion criteria. It was found factors that influence adherence to treatment due to patients, professionals and institutions. Conclusions: Health professionals should consider the chronicity of venous ulcers and make interventions, taking into account the preferences, knowledge and skills both belonging to patients.

Keywords : chronic wound; fine needle aspiration; infection; surface swab.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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