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vol.27 número1Análisis de las caídas en una residencia de ancianos y de la influencia del entornoUso de la comunicación prosocial en profesionales sanitarios y sociales con personas mayores: estudio piloto índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1134-928X


MOLES JULIO, María Pilar et al. Study of the elderly frailty: methodological design. Gerokomos [online]. 2016, vol.27, n.1, pp.8-12. ISSN 1134-928X.

Objective: To know and analyse the 9 dimensions of life related to the frailty of elderly people aged 75 and over who live in the local community of Castellón de la Plana. Methodology: Descriptive and transversal study, involving 992 elderly people of 75 years old or over, who have a health card and live in familiar dwellings, by means of a stratified random sample. A personal questionnaire was conducted using the FRALLE survey, which collects the frailty criteria and the 9 dimensions of life. Results: Three months after starting our research, 316 individuals have participated in the study which means 31.9% of the expected total sample. Conclusions: The involvement of the previously trained nursing staff has eased the Access to the elderly and the data collected. The FRALLE survey offers scientific rigour and validity suitable for the achievement of the current study objectives. The collaboration between nursing and academia is important to obtain the results and the development of subsequent interventions.

Palabras clave : Frailty; the elderly; prevalence; risk factors; community.

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