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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


ALVARADO GARCIA, Alejandra María  and  SALAZAR MAYA, Ángela María. Discovering the feelings and behaviors experienced by the elderly with chronic benign pain. Gerokomos [online]. 2016, vol.27, n.4, pp.142-146. ISSN 1134-928X.

Objective: To describe the behaviors and feelings experienced by noninstitutionalized elderly against chronic benign pain. Methods: A qualitative study based theory type 25 older adults with chronic pain benign residents in the city of Medellin and Bogota. The technique used to collect the data was the interview in depth. The analysis was done using the tools of the theory based on the guidelines of Strauss and Corbin. Results: The study threw 2 main categories, which are fed by codes that demonstrate the behaviors and feelings perceived by the elderly. The elderly decides to express their behaviors through crying, manipulation against members of his family, while others fall silent to the contrary and hide their pain in front of his family. A series of feelings and emotions such as anxiety, sadness, fear, stress, helplessness, hopelessness and isolation, which account for a new perspective that leads to further understand how the experience of chronic pain occur hits in all dimensions of older adults. Conclusions: The study allowed describing the behaviors and feelings of noninstitutionalized elderly against chronic benign pain and their experience with health services. This mix of emotions suggests a subsequent physical and mental exhaustion in the elderly stripping him of all his energy and dragging to experience negative emotions that exacerbate their symptoms and affect other normal functions of your body.

Keywords : emotions; aged; chronic pain; qualitative research.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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