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Print version ISSN 1134-928X
LAGUADO JAIMES, Elveny; CAMARGO HERNANDEZ, Katherine del Consuelo; CAMPO TORREGROZA, Etilvia and MARTIN CARBONELL, Marta de la Caridad. Functionality and degree of dependence on elderly home care centers in welf. Gerokomos [online]. 2017, vol.28, n.3, pp.135-141. ISSN 1134-928X.
The functionality in the elderly is a major axis for programs oriented one strengthen active aging, with the increase of this population group, the diseases as factor limiting physical, mental capacity and require control actions decrease social dependency that contributes to further deterioration.
To determine the functionality and degree of dependency in the elderly institutionalized as background information for the design an Intervention Program specific. Methodology: Descriptive retrospective study with 60 Institutionalized older adults and selected by do not probabilistic sampling.
Predominant age range 75-84 years 26.66% of 60 older adults, male gender with mayor frequency 53.33%; Schooling 53.3% studied primary (Prim.) Contact with family of 70%, time institutionalization of the elderly 55% of one to five years. Cardiovascular problems predominate is 34% of older adults. Functional Assessment Predominant male with mild dependence 26.66% and independently as 25% female. Assessing the degree of autonomy in the male gender evidence degree of autonomy 1 of 30% with respect to the female gender degree of autonomy 3 16.66% without statistical significance.
The prevalence of male gender in Institutionalized older adults with mild dependence, a contrary in women frequency mayor Independence is observed. In Autonomy dominates the mayor degree in men than in women.
Keywords : elderly; Institutions; autonomy; functioning; dependence; independence.