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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


RAMOS-MORCILLO, Antonio Jesús; FERNANDEZ-SALAZAR, Serafín; LOPEZ-CASANOVA, Pablo  and  RUZAFA-MARTINEZ, María. E-health in chronic wounds. Positioning of GNEAUPP. Gerokomos [online]. 2018, vol.29, n.1, pp.29-33. ISSN 1134-928X.

Today no one doubts the importance of new technologies in different areas, one of them being the sanitary. On the one hand, it provides multiple advantages for the patient, since it allows access to health information and the possibility of having a leading role in its processes. For professionals, it is also useful, since it allows to offer resources 24 hours a day. Finally, they constitute a potential tool to improve the management of the always limited resources of health care systems.

In the present article, we review the figures about the use of Internet and social networks in Spain, as well as the advantages and risks of using them. Subsequently, eHealth will be discussed in chronic wounds (including some resources) and the positioning adopted by the Spanish Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (GNEAUPP) as a scientific society in relation to eHealth and chronic wounds.

Keywords : Chronic wounds; E-health; positioning; Internet.

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