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Revista Española de Salud Pública

On-line version ISSN 2173-9110Print version ISSN 1135-5727


JARILLO SOTO, Edgar C.; DELGADILLO GUTIERREZ, Hector Javier  and  GRANADOS COSME, José Arturo. Knowledge on AIDS in the medicine student from three University of Mexico. Rev. Esp. Salud Publica [online]. 2000, vol.74, n.2, pp.00-00. ISSN 2173-9110.

BACKGROUND: The Hegemonic Medical Model is discussed and is articulated with the postulates of the sociology of the professions. The information takes Aids as a specific topic, because it involves the aspects of recent scientific development, of clinical and epidemiological importance and due to the research which is being done for its treatment and the production of immunizations. METHOD: This is a case study of students enrolled in different years of study for medical degrees at the three main universities in México City. A closed-question questionnaire was handed out, checked and corrected, the variables of which were related to three types of knowledge, that is, basic, technical and general. RESULTS: The students were revealed to master this subject to only a minor extent the extentions of the knowledge of the disciplines of the profession however being applied to new cases without the suitable accuracy. A certain degree of dissociation was found to exist among the different types of knowledge which were researched, the professional know-how having been noted to clearly conform within specialized, segmented, curative logic of the Hegemonic Medical Model. CONCLUSIONS: The technical, problem-solving knowledge employed in clinical use prevails over the systematic, abstract knowledge of the general knowledge of medicine. A clear notion of the processes based on the dominant medical pattern is revealed in the single-causal relations of the disease. There is an extension of the basic knowledge a the resolving of clinical problems. The medical students are oriented toward taking in knowledge which will be useful to them in clinical practice.

Keywords : Medical students; Professional knowledge; Ideology; Aids.

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