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Cuadernos de Medicina Forense

versão On-line ISSN 1988-611Xversão impressa ISSN 1135-7606


ASO, J. et al. Virtopsy: Applications of a new method of non-invasive body inspection in forensic sciences. Cuad. med. forense [online]. 2005, n.40, pp.95-106. ISSN 1988-611X.

Modern imaging methods, such as radiological CT/MRI scanning provides real, full 3D data of the body surface and internal structures. This information is stored in DICOM files (a standard protocol in radiology image acquisition). Many image-analysis procedures, such as interactive visualization, morphometry, densitometry, three dimensional reconstruction, etc., can be carried-out on these files. These tasks are performed in a non-invasive and non-destructive manner, and the results can be stored in order to document the case. The present paper describes the basis of image-analysis procedures on DICOM files directed to forensic purposes (socalled "virtopsy"), emphasizing the utility of the method in Pathology, Forensic Traumatology and other fields. The virtopsy must be considered not only as a post-mortem procedure (complementing but not substituting the traditional autopsy), but a way to examine body parts in an interactive manner, whatever the subject is dead or alive. That spreads its utility and makes the method appropriate whenever an accurate, real-time, interactive and reproducible forensic anatomic examination is required.

Palavras-chave : Image analysis; Image processing; DICOM files; Radiology; Autopsy; Virtopsy; Post-mortem Radiology; Computer-assisted Radiology.

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