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Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra

versión impresa ISSN 1137-6627


PEREZ, I.  y  GUILLEN, F.. Unnecessary radiology in Primary Care. Anales Sis San Navarra [online]. 2007, vol.30, n.1, pp.53-60. ISSN 1137-6627.

Background: The request for diagnostic tests proceeding from primary care shows a progressive increase over time and a great interpersonal variety in the requests, which suggests that ineffective services are being applied. The aim is to determine the characteristics of the those making requests for radiological tests (general radiology and echography) and to quantify the unnecessary tests in primary care. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a cluster sample of 23 health centres of Navarre in the month of March 2004. A specific questionnaire was designed to be completed by the doctor requesting the diagnostic test. Logistic regression to study the association between unnecessary tests and the other variables of the study was used. Results: Tests were asked for on 9 per thousand of the population studied. The inter-professional variability in the request for tests oscillated between 0 and 33.3 per 1,000 health cards of children’s age. The radiological studies requested with greatest frequency were osseous (48.9%, IC: 42.4-55.5). In 63.2% of the requests no modifications were made to the treatment prior to the request for a test and 57% (IC: 52.4-61.7) of the tests carried out were requested to rule out pathologies. Twenty-four point seven percent (IC: 17.1-29.2) were unnecessary tests and in 15.2% (IC: 10.7-18.2) there was pressure from the patient in the request. In the multivariant analysis significant differences were observed for thorax Rx, changes in the treatment and pressure from the patient. After adjustment for the other variables, the request for an unnecessary test is 12.55 times greater if the doctor feels under pressure from the patient. Conclusions: The correct indication for radiology must be analysed, especially in osseous radiology, and the role of the radiologist in the final decision on carrying out the test must be strengthened.

Palabras clave : Primary health care; Health services needs and demand; Assessment radiology.

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