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Print version ISSN 1138-123X


GARCIA BALLESTA, Carlos; PEREZ LAJARIN, Leonor  and  CORTES LILLO, Olga. A new design in the management of crown fractures based on fragment adhesion. RCOE [online]. 2003, vol.8, n.2, pp.145-151. ISSN 1138-123X.

The fragment bonding technique in cases of crown fracture is an accepted procedure in the international literature. Simonsen was the first author to describe a form of fragment adhesion. A modification of this technique was in turn proposed by Andreasen, involving prior acid etching of the exposed dental surfaces, followed by composite-mediated bonding and bevelling along the fracture line, with composite filling of the latter. The present study proposes an alternative to the conventional technique, consisting of the removal of dentin from the fracture fragment, followed by dentin-composite filling of the defect.

Keywords : Crown fracture; Fragment bonding; Composite.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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