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GARCIA BALLESTA, Carlos; PEREZ LAJARIN, Leonor  and  AUSTRO MARTINEZ, Mª Dolores. Intra-alveolar transplantation: A therapeutic option in crown-root fractures. RCOE [online]. 2003, vol.8, n.2, pp.189-193. ISSN 1138-123X.

Crown-root fracture constitutes a management challenge. If the fracture comprises less than one-third of the length of the tooth, orthodontic traction, gingivectomy, osteotomy and restoration may be contemplated. However, in cases where the fracture is markedly subgingival, Kahnberg proposed an alternative which while seemingly risky, affords only minimum complications in the longitudinal studies conducted to date. The technique involves surgical extrusion and repositioning of the tooth. The aim of the present study is to report a case treated with this technique and to describe the course over a four-year period. No complications of any kind were observed.

Keywords : Crown-root fracture; Intraalveolar transplantation; Endodontic treatment.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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