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vol.15 número3Preferencias de los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en la elección de la especialidadElementos diagnósticos en medicina interna 2003-2010 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educación Médica

versión impresa ISSN 1575-1813


PINTOR-HOLGUIN, Emilio et al. Medical television series seen by students of medicine. Educ. méd. [online]. 2012, vol.15, n.3, pp.161-166. ISSN 1575-1813.

Introduction. After the success of television series ER (Emergency Room), over the past 10 years the production and issuance of 'medical series' has proliferated. We intend to analyze if our medical students see this series, why and if they are influenced in some way by seen them. Subjects and methods. We included all students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree in Medicine at the Universidad Europea de Madrid for the 2010-2011 academic year. The survey included a series of questions about viewing and perceptions of the series of doctors with the largest audience in Spain: ER, Hospital Central, House MD and Grey's Anatomy. Fieldwork was conducted in March 2011. Results. 213 students completed the survey (53% of the sample) with a mean age of 19.5 years. 70.8% were women. 84% of students reported having seen frequently from one to three of the series raised, the most followed was House MD (68.1%). 70% of them see this series because medical and non-medical plot. The medical credibility that they give this series is high, above 2.5 (on a scale of 1 to 5), being the most credible ER. 26.8% claimed that the display of these series had been able to influence their career choice. Conclusions. Because our medical students often see this type of series and can influence them in some sense, our duty as teachers is to encourage a critical view of medical and scientific content that appears on them.

Palabras clave : Medical students; TV medical dramas; TV series.

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