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vol.15 número3Permanencia del conocimiento adquirido en los dos primeros años de la Licenciatura de Médico Cirujano.: ¿Persiste al evaluarlo en el cuarto año? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educación Médica

versión impresa ISSN 1575-1813


HERSKOVIC, Pedro et al. Do clinical tutors believe to have changed their teaching practices one year after finishing a faculty development course?. Educ. méd. [online]. 2012, vol.15, n.3, pp.179-184. ISSN 1575-1813.

Introduction. Faculty development courses can improve the performance of teachers. We designed a ten sessions course aimed to improve the teaching skills of professionals who have responsibilities as tutors in clinical settings. Three courses were given in year 2008. The courses were held in teaching hospitals once a week to make easier for tutors to attend. The courses included curriculum, methodology and evaluation modules. They were student centred, took place in the workplace and employed local teachers with a degree in health sciences education that were clinical tutors themselves. Aim. To assess whether clinical tutors perceived themselves as having made changes in their teaching practices one year after having finished the course. Subjects and methods. An anonymous online survey with thirteen closed questions and space for open comments was administered online. One year after finishing the respective course, an invitation to complete the survey was e-mailed to the fifty-five tutors who completed one of the year 2008 courses. Results. Forty-one tutors answered the survey (74.5%). Changes in teaching practices and in major aspects of the teaching process were declared in all the items consulted in the survey: teaching methodology 83%, assessment of students 71%, programs 34%. Conclusions. Clinical tutors perceive themselves as having made positive changes in their teaching practices after a faculty development course. Currently the ninth similar course is being given.

Palabras clave : Development; Education; Faculty; Teaching.

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