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Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones

On-line version ISSN 2174-0534Print version ISSN 1576-5962


MOSCOSO, Silvia  and  SALGADO, Jesús F. Meta-analytic examination of a suppressor effect on subjective well-being and job performance relationship. Rev. psicol. trab. organ. [online]. 2021, vol.37, n.2, pp.119-131.  Epub Aug 09, 2021. ISSN 2174-0534.

This paper presents a meta-analytic study of the relationship between overall subjective well-being (SWB), cognitive SWB, affective SWB, and job performance ratings. The study examined the moderator effect of the source of job performance measure (self-report vs. supervisory ratings). The database consists of 34 independent samples (n = 5,352) using supervisory performance ratings and 38 independent samples (n = 12,086) using self-reported of job performance. These samples were located through electronic and manual searches. The results indicated that, on average, the correlation for SWB- supervisory ratings (ρ = .35) was slightly larger than for SWB-self-reported performance (ρ = .33). The correlation of affective SWB was much higher with supervisory ratings (ρ = .49) than with self-reported performance (ρ = .30). A suppressor effect of cognitive SWB was found for the prediction of supervisory ratings. Finally, we discuss the implications for the theory and the practice of SWB at work and suggest new research avenues.

Keywords : Subjective well-being; Affective well-being; Cognitive well-being; Job performance; Satisfaction with life; Suppressor effect.

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