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Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
versión On-line ISSN 1989-5879versión impresa ISSN 1578-8423
BAENA-EXTREMERA, Antonio; GRANERO-GALLEGOS, Antonio y MARTINEZ-MOLINA, Marina. Spanish version of the Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scale in Physical Education of secondary school. CPD [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.3, pp.113-122. ISSN 1989-5879. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S1578-84232015000300011.
The aim of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scale (ETCS) in a Spanish sample of Physical Education in secondary education. It was administered to a total of 758 high school students from 12 to 18 years, analyzing the structure of the instrument using confirmatory procedures. The analyzes support the hypothesized theoretical model of origin, the eight items presented adequate measures and scale homogeneity acceptable internal consistency (composite reliability =.93; average variance extracted =.61; Cronbach's alpha =.90) and temporal stability. The data were excellent model fit: χ2=27.68, df=20, p=.117, χ2/df=1.38, GFI=.99, NFI=.98, NNFI=.99, CFI=.99, RMSEA=.023; RMSR=.029; in addition, the examined model meets the requirements of convergent validity (factor loadings> 60 and t-value> 1.96). External validity was explored by examining the predictive relationship of the scale studied and the Sport Satisfaction Instrument adapted to Physical Education. The ETCS-EF has a powerful predictive relationship satisfaction / fun of students in class while it is negative with boredom. Thus, the higher teacher competence, the less likely that students get bored in class. We conclude, therefore, that the ETCS-EF scale is a proven instrument used to assess teacher competence of the current PE teachers.
Palabras clave : Physical Education; teacher; competencies; psychometric properties; ETCS.