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Enfermería Global

versão On-line ISSN 1695-6141


VALERO, R.  e  GARCIA SORIANO, A.. Rules, councils and classifications on HBP. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2009, n.15. ISSN 1695-6141.

At present, excess sanitary information for the patient can be as harmful as previously it was its absence. For this reason making a selection of the available information is recommended, rejecting the erroneous or out of date information and selecting data that can be useful for patients and health professionals. In this way they will receive simple and updated information they can use. For this project we have done research in the current bibliography, trying to put together criteria of different authors and, as mentioned above, making a selection of the best from each one. The result of this research has been a project which intends to give clear ideas and accurate ideas, trying. In the same way, creating an article that is not so extensive as to cause difficult consultations. Our aim was that this essay results in a useful guide for patients and sanitary professionals.

Palavras-chave : High Blood Pressure; Prevention; Arterial tension.

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