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vol.10 issue21Producción científica de enfermería sobre instrumentos genéricos que evaluan calidad de vida en Brasil entre 1997 y 2007: estudio bibliográficoContinuous training: a capacitation tool author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141


SARTORI, A.L. et al. Estrategias no farmacológicas para aliviar el dolor durante el proceso del parto. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2011, vol.10, n.21. ISSN 1695-6141.

The aim of this review of the literature is to show the efficiency of non pharmacological strategies in alleviating pain during labour. A descriptive, exploratory bibliographical research work is used. Scientific publications with an evidence level of II, indexed between 1997 and February 2009 were searched in the LILACS and Medline databases under the descriptors "Dolor de parto", "Dolor del parto" and "Trabajo de parto" assoociated with "Dolor" (Pain). The six selected articles from the 615 publications searched, were characterized and grouped in two categories: Alleviation of pain during labour and evidence following the application of non pharmacological strategies. The articles published between 2003 and 2007 in six different journals, presented non pharmacological strategies such as acupuncture, trans dermal electric stimulation, breathing techniques and relaxation. Acupuncture and trans skin electric stimulation were efficient in alleviating labour pains. Other findings were a decrease in painkillers, oxitocics and in duration of the birth. The use of non pharmacological strategies in obstetrics remains to be specified. Although alleviation of pain has not been confirmed in all the studies, there is proof of other benefitsd.

Keywords : Labour; Birth pain; Obstretics; Althernative therapies.

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