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vol.11 número25Enfermeras de Atención Primaria opinan, analizan y proponen mejoras en el manejo de la adherencia farmacológicaAgenda de cuidados: un producto de retorno social índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


RAMOS FRAUSTO, V.M.; RICO VENEGAS, R.M.  y  MARTINEZ, P.C.. Perception of family companion with respect to nursing care in hospitalization. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2012, vol.11, n.25, pp.219-232. ISSN 1695-6141.

Background: Health care is regarded worldwide as one of the social services most in demand. The perception of family caregivers is guided by certain expectations, which are modified as a result of certain activities undertaken by the nursing staff, reflecting the degree of satisfaction with services rendered. Aim: To assess the perception of family caregivers regarding the care given by nursing staff during their hospital stay. Material & Methods: A prospective descriptive cross-sectional study performed in the period May to June 2010. The sample size was determined considering a confidence level of 0.5 and a test power of 95%, which gave a final sample size of 153. Results: The results with respect to nursing care were examined to determine whether there was any association between different variables, determining that there was no significant association in our hospital. 23.5% of dissatisfaction was found, taking into account the areas, starting with opportunity (4.12%); kindness (4.24%); the care process (4.31%); the result of the attention 4.47%; for the nurse-patient relationship, just as we found a 4.69% over information about the care given 4.25%. Comfort given to the patient was3.68% it was observed that the affected index is comfort care.

Palabras clave : perception of family; nursing care; hospitalization.

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