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vol.11 issue27Implicaciones del ambiente en el desarrollo del proceso de trabajo de enfermería: una revisión integradoraFrecuencia de la depresión puerperal en la maternidad de un hospital universitario de la Región del Sur author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141


RICO VENEGAS, R.M.; RAMOS FRAUSTO, V.M.  and  MARTINEZ, P.C.. Prenatal care vs obstetric outcome perinatal. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2012, vol.11, n.27, pp.397-407. ISSN 1695-6141.

The coverage of prenatal care, quality and delivery care is reflected in the resolution as obstetric morbidity andmortality of mother and child. This research addresses the issue of the impact of prenatal care on the obstetric and perinatal outcome. Objective: To determine the impact of prenatal care on obstetric out comes achieved. Material and method: using a reconstructed cohort study in a population cluster randomly obtained daily duringthe month of June (2010), 419 were women in labour. The research material was the mother-child. Some ofthe studied variables were age, prenatal care, number of visits, weight, height, blood pressure, fundalmeasurement, method of pregnancy termination, product weight, sex, apgar, destination of the product, maternal complications, etc. It was used in the statistical program Primer® Risk® obtaining the RR, RR with aconfidence interval of 95%. Results: 395 products were analysed over 20 weeks and 35 children, of the goods over 20 weeks (f = 355) mothers had prenatal care (89.87%) and 40 did not have it (10.13%), dystocia were more common in mothers with prenatal care, X2 = 7.73 RR = 1.45 95% CI 1.11-1.90, maternal complications were similar proportions in mothers with and without prenatal X2 = 0.0091 RR = 0.96, difference in proportions p = 0.899, hypertensive disease of pregnancy was the most frequent complication (74.6% of them) without difference between themothers had no prenatal care or X2 = 0.0010. Conclusion: Our results indicate that in this particular group studied, the presence of prenatal care is not afactor that helps an obstetric resolution and favourable perinatal, except for the macrosomia prevention.

Keywords : Binomial mother-infant; Prenatal care; Obstetric outcome perinatal; Morbidity and mortality; Macrosomia.

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