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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


LOPEZ-RINCON, Francisco J et al. Comparison of the perception of health-related quality of life between older men and women. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2019, vol.18, n.54, pp.410-425.  Epub 14-Oct-2019. ISSN 1695-6141.


The quality of life related to health is understood as the functional and emotional effect that a disease produces in a person, including treatment and how this process is perceived by the person, which may be influenced by gender.


To determine the perception of quality of life related to health among men and older women in the Comarca Lagunera of Coahuila.


Quantitative and descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample was 100 old adults selected at convenience in the Nursing School, U.T. from the Autonomous University of Coahuila and a public hospital in the town. Data were analyzed in the SPSS v22 program for Mac, descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U test were used.


The analysis between gender and health-related quality of life perception did not observe a significant difference (U=922.00,p=.178); However, when analyzing the quality of life by dimensions, there is a significant difference in three components that are physical mobility (U= 812.00, p< .05), pain (U= 816.00,p< .05) and energy (U= 807.50,p< .05).


In the present investigation, it can be observed that older men and women perceive the quality of life related to health in a very similar way, however, a difference was found in some components that from the point of view of the authors, they are closely linked to the social role played by a woman or an older adult man.

Palabras clave : Quality of life; Perception; Aging; Health.

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