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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141


OLIVEIRA, Layze Braz de et al. Sexual partnership between people living with HIV: managing serological diferences. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2020, vol.19, n.58, pp.494-530.  Epub May 18, 2020. ISSN 1695-6141.


To analyze whether there are differences between socio-demographic, clinical and affective-sexual characteristics in the different sexual partnerships between people living with HIV/AIDS.


This is a cross-sectional study carried out in a care service specialized in the treatment of people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, with 173 participants. Data were collected through interviews with a questionnaire built for the study.


Statistical evidences were verified between the serology of the partner and the sex, marital status, child, number of children. The serology of the sexual partner also presented scientific evidence among the type variables of partnership, use of the male condom, insertive vaginal sex, dissemination of the HIV diagnosis to the sexual partnership and the importance of spreading HIV to the partner.


The serology of the partner was influenced by sociodemographic and affective-sexual variables.

Keywords : HIV; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Patient Assistance; Sexual behavior.

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