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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


MOREIRA-DO NASCIMENTO, Rafael et al. Analysis of health podcasts about people with ostomy: scoping review with technology foresight. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.71, pp.547-585.  Epub 13-Nov-2023. ISSN 1695-6141.


Podcasts have gained a lot of space in the communication and transmission of information in various areas and can contribute to the implementation of health education for the self-care of people with ostomy, since it allows guidance, clarifying doubts and bringing prospects for future quality of life. Thus, this study sought to analyze in the literature and in the digital audio platforms the characteristics of educational podcasts about intestinal ostomy.


this is a scoping review, conducted from June to September 2022, developed according to the theoretical framework of the Joanna Briggs Institute - JBI. A search for articles and gray literature was carried out in databases via the Federated Academic Community (CAFe). The technological prospection stage occurred through a search on the Spotify and Deezer platforms. The data were transcribed and organized in a Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheet for analysis.


The search found one study on the theme with the production of 4 episodes in the interview format and in Portuguese. In the technological search, 14 podcasts were found, 119 episodes with prevalence in Spotify, in English language, scripts of the "interview" type and composed of host and guests.


the study allowed us to analyze the characteristics of the podcasts about intestinal stomas and affirmed their importance as alternative tools for health education. We highlight the importance of the social and informational character of the podcasts about ostomy for the health education practice, as well as a tool that seeks to reduce prejudice against the person with ostomy.

Palabras clave : Health Education; Enterostomal Therapy; Ostomy; Podcast; Webcast.

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