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Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal (Ed. impresa)
Print version ISSN 1698-4447
MIGLIARI, Dante A.; PENHA, S.S.; MARQUES, M. M. and MATTHEWS, R. W.. Considerations on the diagnosis of oral psoriasis: A case report. Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Ed.impr.) [online]. 2004, vol.9, n.4, pp.300-308. ISSN 1698-4447.
This paper discusses the difficulties in making a definitive diagnosis of oral psoriasis based upon clinical and histological evidence only. A young black male presented with multiple lesions showing erosions, fissures, and yellowish scales on the vermilion borders of both lips. He also had erythematous-erosive areas on the gingivae, a fissured tongue showing greyish areas on its ventral surface, whitish lesions and longitudinal sulci in the hard palate with lacelike lesions on the soft palate. Biopsies from the lower lip, gingiva and soft palate showed hyperkera-tosis, spongiosis, acanthosis, and elongation of rete ridges. In addition, collections intraepithelial micro-abscesses of Munro were observed. These findings are consistent with oral psoriasis. Typical cutaneous lesions and a family history of psoriasis were absent.
Keywords : Diagnosis; oral lesions; oral psoriasiform lesions; psoriasis.