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vol.11 número5Carcinoma adenoideo quístico del dorso de la lengua: Presentación de un caso clínicoTumor de células granulares: Presentación de 8 casos con localización intraoral índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal (Internet)

versión On-line ISSN 1698-6946


SEGURA SAINT-GERONS, Rafael; CEBALLOS SALOBRENA, Alejandro; TORO ROJAS, Mariano  y  GANDARA REY, José Manuel. Oral manifestations of Cowden’s disease: Presentation of a clinical case. Med. oral patol. oral cir.bucal (Internet) [online]. 2006, vol.11, n.5, pp.421-424. ISSN 1698-6946.

Cowden’s disease, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis, characterized by the presence of multiple cutaneous hamartomas, oral fibromas and benign acral keratosis. It affects multiple organs (breast, thyroids, stomach, colon), with the strong possibility of malignant neoplasia developing in these organs. We present a case of this rare syndrome, highlighting the presentation of some clinical characteristics that, in suspected cases, can help to establish an early diagnosis of this disease, this being of great importance given the high frequency of tumors in people with this clinical picture.

Palabras clave : Cowden’s disease; multiple hamartomas.

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