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Avances en Periodoncia e Implantología Oral

On-line version ISSN 2340-3209Print version ISSN 1699-6585


CARINI, F. et al. The management of atrophies classified as V class according to Cawood & Howell by piezo-electric surgery. Avances en Periodoncia [online]. 2009, vol.21, n.2, pp.81-88. ISSN 2340-3209.

Introduction: Valutation of rehabilitated patients by sinus lift in upper jaw and by autologous bone graft from iliac crest. Materials and methods: Rehabilitation of 32 patients with severe atrophies of upper jaw and partial or total edentulism by positioning of mono- or bicortical onlay with piezosurgery to obtain a sinus lift mono- or bilateral by autologous bone grafts from anterior iliac crest. Results: 94.05% of successes after a two years follow-up. Conclusions: Respecting of timing surgery, a correct use of the piezosurgery technique and of the autologous bone graft from anterior iliac crest let a successful implantological rehabilitation. Moreover the iliac crest is a very good donor site of bone tissue for the management of severe atrophies in the upper jaw. An accidental laceration of Schneider’s membrane was observed in filling phase in the 5.26% of cases.

Keywords : Piezoelettric surgery; sinus lift; autologous bone graft.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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