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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

versión On-line ISSN 2386-8201versión impresa ISSN 1699-695X


SANCHEZ BARRANCOS, Ignacio M. et al. Compliance to the 2007 ESH/ESC Guideline in a hypertensive population at a Primary Health Care Centre. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2009, vol.2, n.7, pp.326-331. ISSN 2386-8201.

Objective. To determine the proportion of controlled hypertensive patients with and without added cardiovascular risks factors and to evaluate compliance to the 2007 SHE/SEC guidelines by doctors at a Primary Health Care Centre. Design. Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Subjets. Adult patients with documented hypertension in their computerised medical record. Patients were recruited by systematic sampling. Main measurement. Family and personal history of cardiovascular risk factors, biometric (age, sex, weight, height, body mass index), blood pressure, analytical data, electrocardiogram and medication. Results. The percentage of patients with controlled hypertesion (< 140/90 mm Hg) was 50.35% (48.17-52.54%) being lower in males 47,46% (44.03-50.89%) than in females 52.44% ( 49.6-55.28%) with statistical significance (p = 0.01). The percentage of well controlled patients with added risks factor was greater (56.52 +/- 14.4%) than those without added risk factors (49.15 +/- 6.41%), with no differences between sexes. 36.86% with risk factors were taking statins and of this group 60.92% had LDL levels of > 130 md/dl. 32.05% of the diabetic patients with high blood pressure were taking statins and atiaplatelets and 40% of them had LDL < 100mgr/dl and 24.36% had HBA1C < 6.5%. Conclusions. The percentage of patients with controlled hypertension was high compared to other studies in the same setting. We should improve compliance to the ESH/ESC guidelines in order to provide complete, high quality care to our hypertensive patients.

Palabras clave : Hypertension; Patient Compliance; Risk Factors.

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