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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

versión On-line ISSN 2386-8201versión impresa ISSN 1699-695X


DOMINGUEZ SANCHEZ-MIGALLON, Pedro  y  GRUPO AZUER. Metabolic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: degree of Control and level of Knowledge (Azuer Study). Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2011, vol.4, n.1, pp.32-41. ISSN 2386-8201.

Objective: To determine the degree of metabolic control and the level of knowledge of such control (ADA 2009) in type 2 diabetic patients (and those who are members of patient associations) and if a greater knowledge correlates with improved metabolic control. Material and methods: Cross sectional, observational, descriptive study in Primary care (Manzanares II Health Centre) in 297 diabetics (138 men and 159 women), using data from their medical records (sociodemographics, clinical, analytical and repercussions) and a questionnaire on the knowledge of metabolic control objectives, correlating knowledge with degree of control. Results: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 is 8.48% (95% CI: 8.034 - 8.94); 98% of the women have "no education" (p<0.0001) or only "primary education" (p=0.01) and 18.5% (95% CI: 14.3 - 24.5) belong to diabetic associations and tend to be younger patients. Smoking and peripheral arteriopathy are more frequent in men. Blood sugar and HbA1C are controlled in approximately 50% and SBP in 42%. Only 7.07% knew all the metabolic control objectives; 48.7% knew the blood sugar control objectives (related with educational level: p<0.001), 18.5% those of postprandial blood sugar and 7% of HbA1C levels. This percentage being higher in those belonging to associations (32.7% and 29%, respectively). Anti-platelets, RAAS inhibitors and statins were used in 45.8%, 65.3% and 44.8% of patients, respectively. Conclusions: Metabolic control of diabetic patients is improvable. Patient's level of knowledge of metabolic control is related with educational level, but it is very low, and can be improved even in those belonging to associations. Patients need to be educated in metabolic control which would probably result in an improvement of such control.

Palabras clave : Diabetes Mellitus; Control; Knowledge.

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