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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia
versión On-line ISSN 2386-8201versión impresa ISSN 1699-695X
MORERA LLORCA, Miquel; FOLCH MARIN, Blanca; GINER ESPARZA, Miguel Ángel y SELLAMI, Khadija. Immigrant Maghrebian pregnant in primary health care: social and family characteristics. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2012, vol.5, n.2, pp.81-88. ISSN 2386-8201. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S1699-695X2012000200002.
Objective. To describe demography, family typology, social support, stressors and family function in immigrant Maghrebian pregnant in a basic health care area. Design. Cross sectional study. Location. ZBS 5 of La Ribera (Valencia) health department. Participants. Pregnant Maghrebian women, recruited by means of consecutive sampling over a year, and who agree to being surveyed. Measures. Sociodemographic variables (age, years in Spain, no of children, no of cohabitants, academic level, paid work and family type), stressful life events, social support and family function. Procedures. population survey, genogram, social reorganization scale (SRRS), Duke-UNC-11 scale and APGAR family questionnaire. Results. 45 women were interviewed (average 28,42 years of age and 3,44 years' residence in Spain). The median number of children was 1, and 3 cohabitants in the home. Figures of 26,7% with paid work and 28,9% without formal eduction stand out. Only 8,9% had received higher education. 68,9% are full nuclear families and 26,7%, extended. En 36 patients, the SRRS (average: 179,64) and the Duke-UNC-11 scale (33,22) were obtained and in 35, the family APGAR (8,09). A statistically significant association was seen between: years of residence in Spain and family APGAR; family type and social support, number of cohabitants, and emotional social support. Conclusions. A high percentage of uneducated people and a predominance of nuclear families stand out. A degree of potentially pathogenic stress, lack of social support and a normal functioning family. Broader studies are needed, as well as culturally adapted questionnaires.
Palabras clave : Immigrants; Family; Family health; Gestation; Stressful life events; Social support.