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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

On-line version ISSN 2386-8201Print version ISSN 1699-695X


DOMINGUEZ SANCHEZ-MIGALLON, Pedro. Changes in the metabolic control of type 2 diabetic patients in a health center. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2015, vol.8, n.1, pp.11-18. ISSN 2386-8201.

Objective: To know the changes achieved in a period of four years in the control of diabetic patients, and the changes in the use of medication in routine practice. Study design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Setting: Primary Care Centre of Manzanares II (Manzanares - Ciudad Real - Spain). Participants: Diabetic patients of both sexes in the Health Zone. Measurements: Sociodemographic data, cardiovascular risk factors, macro and microvascular impact of diabetes, blood pressure and analytical parameters (glucidic, lipidic), as well as drugs used in the treatment of diabetes and dyslipidemia, and antiplatelet/anticoagulant drugs were collected. These data were compared with those of the cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in 2010. Results: The metabolic control (HbA1C) has improved in 2014: 7.09 % (SD:1.17) with regard to 2010: 7.22 % (SD: 1.21), being significant in the percentage of higher values of HbA1C (≥8 % and ≥10 %). The percentage of HbA1C ≤7 % has increased from 50.5 % to 53.7 %. The largest decreases have occurred in the lipid parameters: total cholesterol (p<0.001), LDL-cholesterol (p <0.001)) and microalbuminuria (p <0.01). The percentage of HbA1C ≤7 % and LDL-cholesterol ≤100 mg/dl has increased from 13.1 % to 21.7 % (p <0,01). The use of sulfonylureas has decreased (p <0.01) and those of IDDP-4 (p <0.001), statins (p <0.05) and acetyilsalicylic acid (p <0.01) have increased. Conclusions: The carbohydrate metabolic control has improved during a period of four years, with significant changes in lipid parameters. The use of sulfonylureas has decreased, and the use of IDPP-4, statins and acetylsalicylic acid has increased.

Keywords : Diabetes Mellitus; Control; Antidiabetics.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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