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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

versión On-line ISSN 2386-8201versión impresa ISSN 1699-695X


LAURA ASILLO, Elard Guillermo; ROMAN PEREZ, Francisco José; VILLARIN CASTRO, Alejandro  y  HERNANDEZ SANZ, Azucena. Atypical femur fracture secondary to biphosphonate use. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.2, pp.141-144. ISSN 2386-8201.

80-year-old woman who consulted for pain in left thigh without radiation and without traumatic mechanism. The Primary Care physician ordered X-rays and ultrasound of the affected area, both reported to be normal. After a 1.5 year follow-up and study of the pain by different specialties, a new femur radiography showed a cortical thickening. Given this finding and that the patient had been undergoing treatment with ibandronic acid for more than four years, she was referred to traumatology where physicians ordered magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy. While waiting for these tests and without any traumatic mechanism, the patient began experiencing pain, functional impotence and deformity of the lower limb. She was therefore referred to emergency, where she was diagnosed with atypical femur fracture secondary to biphosphonate use. The family physician must ensure an adequate assessment and prescription of such drugs, as well as identify the prodromal symptoms of their complicationst.

Palabras clave : Atypical Fracture; Bisphosphonates; Primary Health Care.

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