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Revista de Medicina y Cine

On-line version ISSN 1885-5210


VIANA-VIVANCO, Estefany et al. The Joker's deck: factors triggering the aggressive behavior on a patient with a pseudobulbar affect. Rev Med Cine [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.3, pp.165-174.  Epub Nov 16, 2020. ISSN 1885-5210.

The plot of the Joker shows us the emergence of the antihero from Arthur, an individual with a pseudobulbar disorder, a history of abandonment and severe physical abuse and abuse with probable brain trauma, living without social ties, lacking affection, as a primary caregiver of a relative dependent entirely on him; the protagonist moves in an adverse, hostile environment in which the society that expects him to behave as if he had no disorder. normal behavior. Without resources and rejected by its means, it is collaterally affected by the reduction of budget for therapy and medications. At a decisive moment, the different triggers of his psychopathological manifestations converge that give way to the transformation of the joker and paradoxically lead him to be socially accepted. Joker invites us to reflect on the importance of mental health programs, human values, the culture of Peace and good treatment as fundamental pillars to promote mental health in society. This article aims to revisit the pathophysiology of the pseudobulbar condition and establish the clinical, family, environmental and sociocultural aspects potentially associated with Joker's destructive behavior.

Keywords : pseudobulbar affect; mental health; physchopathology; physical abuse.

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