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Revista de Medicina y Cine

On-line version ISSN 1885-5210


MOYA-SALAZAR, Jeel et al. Film Therapeutics: a possibility of assistance. Rev Med Cine [online]. 2021, vol.17, n.2, pp.145-154.  Epub May 17, 2021. ISSN 1885-5210.

There is a notable activity of the cinema within the medical training processes promoting the development of multiple inherent skills. In this study, we present a proposal for film therapy in the complementary context of current medical care. We review series of aforetime, broadcast around the 70`s, consisting of short chapters (~25 minutes). Series like Candy Candy, Marco, or Heidi, have marked differences from modern series, and the potential to be therapeutic instruments in themselves due to: i) presenting specific characters (a boy or a girl in particular, in a specific context) , ii) the existence of an argumentative story (which is followed chapter by chapter, which forces the child to recreate a story longitudinally), iii) the approach to existential problems (the lives of the characters force them to live limit situations, usually linked to the historical conditions of their time); and iv) the experience of experiences of a moral nature (involving a discussion of good and bad). These could link the child and the father, since each chapter represents an activity of daily life, exempting them from the mass transmission of series without educational (therapeutic) content.

Keywords : cinem; therapy; series; neurology; parental assistance.

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