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Revista de Medicina y Cine

On-line version ISSN 1885-5210


GARCIA-CREGO, Juan  and  GARCIA-FERNANDEZ, Juan Vicente. Ludwig (1973). A psychiatric expertise for incapacitation, a historic case. Rev Med Cine [online]. 2023, vol.19, n.2, pp.169-181.  Epub Apr 01, 2024. ISSN 1885-5210.

This work, based on a historical character like Luis II of Bavaria, is a study of the circumstances surrounding the appraisal made by a Commission of psychiatrists to incapacitate the King and remove him from the leadership of the State of Bavaria. It makes a review of the clinical history of the King, from their family history to the personal one, the substances of which the King was dependent: chloroform, laudanum, alcohol and the symptoms presented on him when he was disabled, and everything with the evidence that what really happened was a coup d'Etat relying on the fact the King was unable to govern. This paper discusses possible diagnoses like Paranoia (according to the Expert Commission) to a PGP (tertiary syphilis) or the recent diagnoses of Dr. Haffner that state that what the King suffered was a bausuchtig, as well as a social phobia as a reaction to his homosexuality. In the final discussion we analyze of all these diagnostic and historical possibilities and we expose our opinion. The cinematographic author Luchino Visconti, in one of his films of the German trilogy, Ludwig (1973), shows us in an exemplary way, how that process took place.

Keywords : Visconti; addictions; paranoia; expertise; syphilis; bausüchtig.

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