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Pharmacy Practice (Granada)

versão On-line ISSN 1886-3655versão impressa ISSN 1885-642X


J0RGENSEN, Viggo K.  e  TOFT, Birgit S.. Reduction in the use of benzodiazepines and cyclopyrrolones in general practice. Pharmacy Pract (Granada) [online]. 2008, vol.6, n.3, pp.136-141. ISSN 1886-3655.

In 2003, the Danish Minister for the Interior and Health instructed general practitioners to reduce prescriptions of benzodiazepines (BZD) and cyclopyrrolones (CP) by 50%. However, no effective methods were specified. In Denmark, it is estimated that there are approximately 100,000 BZD-dependent patients, constituting approximately 2% of the population. Objective: This article describes the implementation of a successful, simple and voluntary intervention to reduce the use of dependence-inducing drugs, while at the same time challenging practitioners' ingrained habits and prejudices in this field. Methods: The rules implemented were essentially in accordance with the official Danish rules, such that a prescription for BZD and CP could only be issued for one month at a time, and only following consultation. Use was monitored using the Danish registration system, Ordiprax, which monitors sales of prescription medicine. Two Danish general practices, comprising a patient base of approximately 2300 were studied. With the exception of the severely physically or mentally ill, all users of BZD and CP were included. Results: After 2½ years, the use of BZD and CP was reduced by 75% and 90%, respectively. The reorganization of prescription patterns was seen to be significantly easier than physicians had expected. During the first three months, only four to five additional visits per week per 1000 patients were required. Subsequently, this number was stabilized at one to two additional visits. The usual collaborative partners, such as psychiatrists, homecare services, hospitals and substance abuse units were essentially not deployed. No serious withdrawal effects arose. Conclusion: The implementation of the aforementioned simple procedures is to be recommended for the prescription of BZD and CP drugs, as the effect is immediate and easily attainable, with a reasonable work input required on the part of general practitioners.

Palavras-chave : Benzodiazepines; Physician's Practice Patterns; Denmark.

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