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Revista de Bioética y Derecho
On-line version ISSN 1886-5887
OBON AZUARA, Blanca and GUTIERREZ CIA, Isabel. Legal problems of incident reporting systems: What is the opinion of health professionals?. Rev. Bioética y Derecho [online]. 2013, n.29, pp.122-135. ISSN 1886-5887.
Objective: To study the perception that health professionals have on legal problems of incident reporting systems (IRS). Method: cross-sectional study in Aragon, we use a survey created for this purpose. Results: 123 profesionals answer the survey; 47.2% believed that the patient has the right to be informed about the safety of the National Health System. 76.4% believed the patient has the right to receive information about their adverse events. 77% agreed about investigating the incidents, even when this research could imply a legal sanction. 67.4% believed that notification could have legal consequences; 50% did not know if the Law provides protection the deponent; 63% thougth the information registered in the IRS can be used in a lawsuit, 42.4% believed that such systems could be some way of delation. Conclusions: Health professionals believe that IRS are useful, though they could be a source of legal problems. Health professionals do not know the legal problems of IRS.
Keywords : reporting systems; patient safety; survey; legislation.