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Revista de Bioética y Derecho
On-line version ISSN 1886-5887
IGAREDA GONZALEZ, Noelia. The anonymous donation of gametes for assisted human reproduction in Spain: problems and challenges. Rev. Bioética y Derecho [online]. 2016, n.38, pp.71-86. ISSN 1886-5887.
The Spanish legal system allows the anonymous donation of gametes for assisted reproduction purposes. Its altruistic characteristic is almost not discussed at all, although there are important economic benefits for the reproductive industry. Linked to this question, it appears its anonymity, traditionally connected to its altruistic character, but in fact it also promotes an important number of donors, essential to cover the increasing demand of gametes in our society. Moreover, scarce attention is given to the side effects of these donations, especially in the cases of oocyte donation. All these matters facilitate that Spain becomes a privileged place for the cross-border reproductive care, despite the lack of knowledge in general and a lack of public debate about the above controversial mentioned ethical issues.
Keywords : gamete donation; altruism; anonymity; the right to know one's biological origins; side effects; reproductive medicine.