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Sanidad Militar

versión impresa ISSN 1887-8571


PONTE HERNANDO, F. et al. Discourse on Arms and Sciences: medical Colonel D. Antonio Casares Gil (1871-1929). Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2016, vol.72, n.2, pp.131-146. ISSN 1887-8571.

We review the life and scientific labour of Antonio Casares Gil (1871-1929), following a timeline from his birth at Santiago de Compostela, passing through his stay at Barcelona, his intervention in the Spanish-American War, and also referring to his labour in Madrid and La Coruña. It is our intention to present, simultaneously, both his welfare and scientific-militar task and his civil academical activities. Despite the differences between medical and botanic methods and goals we manage to find -thanks to Laín and Albarracín- a nexus which could explain the devotion and ability of Casares for both sciences in the parallelism between species morborum and species planctarum, which was stablished by the famous clinic Thomas Sydenham, father of modern nosology. We also fixed the position of Antonio Casares in both, the Spanish and European Military Health, given that he was commissioned in foreign armies by the government and took part in the concert of national and international botanists. Since he was a hard worker, free of direct family obligations, if any, life and work get confused in his case almost completely.

Palabras clave : Bryophytes; Military medicine; Hygiene´s Institute; J.A.E.; Royal Botanic Garden; Museum of Natural Sciences.

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